
NiteLites, the Outdoor Lighting Professionals, is seeking to join forces with select landscape architects, landscape designers, property managers, HOAs, general contractors and builders. Developers and homebuilders nationwide partner with NiteLites, to provide the best in specification grade light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to illuminate outdoor lighting project.

Our lighting systems draw attention to properties by providing a luminous glow every evening. By lighting your project at night, not only will you create an elegant look, but you will also double the hours your project is showcased to the public.

Facilities managers and grounds maintenance businesses utilize our professional outdoor lighting services for top light quality and reliable outdoor LEDs.

According to Coldwell Banker’s “Blue Matter Blog” 44% of move-in ready buyers demand smart home technology. NiteLites’ lighting systems fit perfectly into the smart technology matrix home owners are demanding as well as meet the bottom line needs of commercial developers and property investors.